5 Best Ways To Keep Your Sliding Windows In Good Condition

Are you having trouble opening your sliding windows? In this post I will teach you how to keep your sliding windows in good condition.

Here are the five best ways to keep your sliding windows last longer and to work properly. If you follow my advice, These are just simple things to do to keep your window looking good and strong.

Analok Brown Aluminum and Glass Installation
Analok Brown Aluminum and Glass Installation

So without further ado, let’s get started.

Five ways to keep your sliding windows looking good and lasting:

Tip #1

always clean the window, the accumulation of dirt such as dust or small objects on the glass of the window and on its railings is one of the causes of damage to the parts of sliding windows.

Tip #2

Keep opening and closing the window gently. Forceful or hasty window closing or opening can throw your window out of alignment, it can also cause the glass to break.

Tip #3

Avoid using rough cloths to wipe the glass, Rough cloths or objects will scratch the glass. Use a soft cloth or microfiber cloth and a little liquid soap and water to keep the window glass fresh and the color of the glass will not fade immediately.

Tip #4

Always check the wheel or roller of your sliding window. You can see the roller at the bottom of the sliding window. When your window is noisy or hard to slide, the window roller may not roll or the roller may be damaged.

When you see that the roller is really broken, replace it immediately or call a glass and aluminum technician so that it can be replaced properly.

Tip #5

Sliding windows have many screws because they connect the frames and panels, If you notice something loose in the window, a screw may have been removed. It’s easy to find out where the screws are on the sliding windows. Often the screws are on the top and bottom edges of the frames. Take a look at the side holes, and if you notice that a screw is missing, replace it immediately.

That’s it! Now you can be sure that your sliding windows will last longer and you know how to take care of your window. Remember! If your things are in order, the cost can be avoided!

Sliding Windows Tutorial

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