Mirror, Mirror on the Wall | Sonya’s Garden

Welcome guys to Adriano’s Glass and Aluminum Services and here we are again with one of our blogs that we will share with you. This is one of our projects in Sonya’s Garden located in barangay Buck Estate, Alfonso, Cavite.

According to SG’s maintenance head, the ones that used to be placed on the wall of the function room were also mirrors, but the mirrors were old and faded. So what they did was just paint the mirrors and put paint art on them. You can see in the picture what I am referring to.

Sonya's Garden Project
Sonya’s Garden Project

Our team has started measuring the wall where the glass will be placed.

After our team got the right size we called the supplier where we buy the mirrors and also the aluminum that will be used.

The Mirrors are delivered by our supplier to SG where we will install them. One by one, the glasses were brought down to the function hall.

Our team has also started cleaning the wall where the glasses will be placed. We removed the old screw heads, because they would interfere with applying the glass to the wall.

We have also placed the aluminum tubular on the top and bottom of the wall that will hold the mirrors. Of course, we can’t forget the double adhesive pad tape that will also strengthen the adhesion to the glasses. When the installation of the tubular was finished, we placed the glass on the wall one by one.

We have taken extra care to avoid scratching or breaking the glass. Each one we immediately applied to the wall then we also applied sealant using the caulking gun.

We made sure that each one was equal and durable.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Our project was finished before noon. We immediately notified the maintenance head of Sonya’s Garden to double check what we did.

There were no problems with our installation of the glasses and the maintenance head also liked it.

Adriano’s Glass And Aluminum Services thanks Sonya’s Garden and those who assisted our team in the Project.. Especially for the Delicious Lunch. Thank you very much!

Watch also our video below on how we installed the Wall Mirror:

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